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Dr. Victor Randall Sackey
Dr. Victor Randall Sackey
Welcome to The Sackey-Drake Family page of memories and tributes to our late husband, father, grandfather, uncle and friend
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Passed away at home in Sollentuna, Sweden, March 22nd 2021
We hold you close within our hearts, and there you will remain To walk with us throughout our lives, until we meet again
The funeral ceremony of the late doctor Victor Randall Sackey will take place at
Silverdals Griftegård, Sollentuna, on Wednesday April 21st at 10.30 am
For more information regarding the burial service please contact Jennie Lindvall at Fonus Sollentuna tel +46 8 709 86 19 or email Anna Drake at
Due to current restrictions only a limited amount of people will be able to attend the funeral ceremony. Do note that family and friends will be able to attend the ceremony over a link that will be published on this site
An obituary on the life and works of the late Doctor Victor Randall Sackey will be published shortly
Address to where flowers and wreaths can be sent for the funeral ceremony