Relation to Victor
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Relation to Victor
Please let us know your tribute or memories of Victor here!
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Uncle Vic as I affectionately called him was a perfect gentleman, very caring, neat, tidy, jovial, very respectful and very particular about his appearance. He was the live wire of his family and friends.
Uncle Victor and Aunt Edzia loved to entertain people in their home. Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Sackeys home was a delight. The table was always full of different types of foods and Uncle Victor would make sure that you tasted every food on the table. As a young boy his mother who was a baker taught him to bake cakes so his special cake called Mamas cake was never missed.
Uncle Vic, I am most grateful to you for everything you did for me during my visits to Sweden and when I stayed with you and Aunty Edzia in London. You will forever be in my heart.
From Hetty
My cousin Victor and I have had a very close relationship that developed naturally on similar interests, worldly outlook as well as blood relation. As first cousins and children of two sisters who were the first and the last of ten siblings of our grandmother, we were also close in age, separated by a little over a year only. We also grew up in the same town, Sekondi, until we took off from home in the early 1960’s to Europe to pursue our separate professional training which would mould our lives. We found ourselves thereafter when I paid him a visit in the Summer of 1976 in Hull, England where he was working in the hospital as a resident doctor, when I met his family for the first time. I was then working in Reading as part of my residency training in the Oxford Eye Hospital. We found ourselves again when he visited us in Geneva with his dear wife, Edzia from Sweden in 1993, following which the relationship had grown stronger and stronger with regular mutual visits. Gina and I have thus paid several visits to Victor and Edzia in Avesta and then in Sandviken. Those were lovely memories and also the opportunity to meet Victor’s Friends, an amiable group of friends who had bonded together in very close friendship. They have been known to be partying together, celebrating important occasions in addition to visiting each other particularly in summer in their summer houses. So was my cousin Victor, a very amiable personality, full of warmth and charm with extraordinary ability to strike friendship easily with his warmth. He was thus at home anywhere he found himself or chose to be, as he, as much as he was pleasant, could also easily adapt to the prevailing culture wherever he found himself. He could, thus be easily described as a person or a citizen of the world because of his ability to settle anywhere and not only that, but also be accepted in a unique way. Thus, Victor has made life-long friends, some originating from his medical school era in Poland, some of whom I have had the occasion to meet. He clearly carried on this attribute to Sweden where he finally settled and where the testimony is in Victor’s Friends, who are known as far away as in his country of origin, Ghana where he proudly toured with them. Victor with his dear wife Edzia were also very generous and their house in London was open to their friends and relations as they cherished the company of friends and relations. Thus was the special relationship which existed between Victor and Edzia on one side and my wife Gina and me on the other. And so, we cherished the exchange of visits, though theirs to us was less than sparse and he would in his charming manner always dismiss any protest against that observation, finding excuses we all agreed did not quite hold. Victor’s love for music and interest in musical instruments was extraordinary and expressed itself in his collection of Bang & Olofsen gadgets. He thus produced very pleasant and unique sounds in his house that tempted one to dance even when one was determined not to dance. This is clearly linked to his fame in the medical school days when he was famous for playing drums in a student band he had formed. A person will be remembered by fond memories, legacy and impact; and Victor’s life has not been less impactful. We will never forget the cherished moments with Victor and Edzia, on the occasion of their visit to Ghana with Victor’s Friends, our visits with Victor, Edzia and Victor’s Friends to one of the Friends’ estate in Sjösjö, to mention but a few. We have shared many unforgettable moments and occasions together. There is no doubt that Victor has left an impressive legacy besides living an exemplary and fulfilling life. Victor has been an indelible part of my life. He is a great loss to his family, to his friends and many others. We will always remember Victor with affection.
Victor, we miss you dearly! Victor, Rest in Perfect Peace until we meet again!
Yankum Dadzie Accra, 16.04.2021
May the Almighty grant you peace in his bosom until we meet again.
My dearest uncle Victor, you radiated unconditional love in our everyday lives and we were privileged to bask in its warmth, not only daily, but in all our pivotal moments. May our good Lord God, bring you at your last awakening, to enter into that gate of heaven and dwell in His house, where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light; no noise nor silence but one equal music; no fears nor hopes but one equal possession; no ends nor beginnings but one equal eternity; in the habitations of His Majesty and His Glory. In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, world without end.
While the home calling of our favourite Brother, Cousin and Uncle is very painful, we take comfort in knowing that he is safely in the arms of the Almighty. Our dear Cousin was very caring, full of life, love and generous at heart, and that generosity was displayed every time he interacted with family members. We are going to miss his welcoming voice, his great sense of humour, his Hi-Life steps and all his many endearing qualities. The many happy times we spent with him on vacation are very memorable and will forever be engraved in our hearts. He was a symbol of family unity and consequently he went to great lengths to bring together as many family members as possible, for a reunion, whether they were near or far; and for that we say “thank you”. We are grateful to his loving wife Edzia (affectionally called Cousin) for her loving care and devotion for over 50 years. We are equally grateful to Anna, Peter and their families for their unyielding support. We will certainly have our quiet moments and memories and they will surely be joyful. Coz, rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord. You will forever be in our hearts and will be greatly missed.
Dear Uncle Victor,
This photo reminds me of a few things:
Firstly, your passion for football - I will never forget magical Sandviken evenings watching champions league nights at Anfield, and you rooting for Sami Hyppia and John Arne Riise as the resident Scandinavian. If I recall correctly, Freddie Ljungberg was the first name I got on the back of my Arsenal shirt, and that was in no small part because of the respect I had for Swedes. I remember once you showed me a picture of yourself and Arsene Wenger and I thought to myself “Wow. Two stalwart gentlemen of a generation, side by side.” Spending time watching the game with you was always a treat and I’m glad we were able to share that love together.
Another thing that comes to mind is your fashion sense and appreciation of style - I was always fond of your hat collection and whether formally or informally dressed, you always looked the part. At any family function or gathering, it was a foregone conclusion that you would have cufflinks, bracelets and handkerchiefs to match, often laying claim to being the best-dressed as well as the life of the party. Speaking of parties, it would be remiss of me to leave out your love of music; your impeccable taste permeated all aspects of culture and transcended all forms.
I also think it’s great that you always represented Ghana to the fullest, whether it be through the meals you prepared, your hospitality or in this case, the clothes you wore. I would always feel welcome in your place because it was decorated with ornaments and furniture to remind me that I was amongst my ancestral home.
You showed me my first magic trick, were the first person to put on a Santa suit bearing gifts, and the first person to capture my imagination through film when you arranged a home cinema viewing of Star Wars (and I mean the original version for all you millennials and new-timers). There were a lot of ‘first’ moments that I shared with you and being in your presence was a special privilege. A man of many talents, I would like to thank you for always being an important pillar and cornerstone in my life.
It is said, ;He who Lived Well, Laughed often and Loved Much is a Success. That was you Uncle Victor - You gave us so much to remember. Your good cheer and warmth were so infectious, despite the sour thought that you were in the departure lounge (as you called it). You never succumbed to ageing.. but alas... When my parents passed on, I gladly found a new mum and dad wrapped in you...but now that chain is broken. Whom will I call when I need to hear that guiding voice? Forever you shall remain my inspiration
Rest well Alex
Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you’ John 16:22 “
Victor we knew you were gradually recovering so this death has taken us completely by surprise. Hearts are breaking and tears are being shed for your loss.
Oh Victor, we are so sorry you have gone We will remember your great heart, your loving kindness and the care you showed for us always. Whenever you were in London and the opportunity arose, you invited the family to visit, entertaining us and making sure we had fun. We thank God for blessing you with a kind hearted loving wife who was always available to support you in making all these occasions great, like you she is a generous host. Edzia we thank you for your wonderful love, may God bless you richly and answer all your hearts desires. Victor´s caring and dedication to his work was unimaginable, we thank God for calling him to the medical profession.
Uncle Victor the family are very proud of you. Edzia, Peter, Anna, grandchildren and Gyate descendants please accept my deepest condolences.
Our father in heaven do please grant your child a peaceful rest in your bosom. Remember those he has left behind and hold us close and bless us with love and wisdom as we mourn, Amen
It is with heavy hearts We pen this eulogy of our beloved brother, Victor, popularly known at home as Yokwesi. Several days prior to his passing he FaceTimed us to let us know he had been hospitalized for a few days and he was going to be discharged the next day. We extended our best wishes and speedy recovery to him .It therefore came to us as a big shock to hear he had passed on to our Maker shortly thereafter! We became filled immediately with a lot of sadness a feeling that is still ongoing .We realize we have no choice but to accept the reality reluctantly. Our elders have always reminded us that life is the beginning of death and it is an outfit that we will all have to wear one day. Victor always said we are all seated at the airport terminal and when our plane lands we will be called to board it and be flown to the realm of eternity. Victor and Edzia were a special couple. God ordained for them to be together because when you are with them they really make you feel at home . They enjoyed life and tried always to make the most of the moment. We experienced that when we visited them in London and Sweden as well as their reciprocal visit with us in New Jersey. Victor was a kind, dedicated, serviceable brother with a fantastic sense of humor. His sense of determination was quite impressive ! To leave the shores of Ghana for Poland to learn a difficult language and use it to study the difficult subject of medicine and not stop there but to go on and learn another difficult Swedish language and use it to specialize in another difficult subject of Obstetrics and Gynecology is not a small feat ! It takes a well disciplined, dedicated and intelligent person to do that. That’s why we say Edzia and Victor were made for each other. We find Edzia to be equally dedicated, determined, intelligent, and ladylike with tremendous sense of humor! Their love for each other was exemplary ! Those of us who have seen Victor cook in the kitchen will never forget his impressive culinary skills especially his salmon / Tinapa stew which was truly finger licking good We thank our Great Creator for loaning Yokwesi to us to enjoy him in this realm. He fought a good fight. He finished the race and kept the faith. We will forever love him and his memory will always be a blessing May he rest in eternal peace! Yɛ ma wo damirifa due! Damirifa due!.
Yookwesi was content with his life and always looked happy. He was kind, thoughtful and very lively. It is very sad that Yookwesi should pass away at the very time he should be living a peaceful and happy life after retirement. I pray his Soul rests peacefully in the arms of The Lord
My beloved brother, this is unreal and difficult to understand. We thank God for your life. God knows best. I miss you so much. I miss our conversations, our visit to your home in London, the special meals and your delicious banana cake. Thank you so much for your love kindness, your good advice, guidance, generosity and support. I miss you so much! You gave so much to the world. Thank you for living such a bright light behind. You were a loving brother, an amazing husband, father and grandfather. May God keep you safe till we meet again. You will forever remain in our hearts.
Beloved brother, rest in perfect peace.
To the most wonderful of Uncles one could wish for. We can say with so much pride that you were a caring brother to my Mom, truly devoted to your family, the world’s best father to my cousins and one of the most endearing, gentle and energetic visionaries we knew. You lived life to the fullest and left a beautiful legacy of true family values, career success and will power. We are all blessed and privileged to have known you. We hold dear these beautiful memories of having you in our lives and being shown your kindness and love. We remember your courage, strength, and your outstretched hands to offer help and advice. This has indeed left an indelible mark of gratitude in our hearts. Many of your acts of compassion, concern and love exemplified to us the miracle of love. We have always felt a deep sense of appreciation and at this time feel a deep sense of loss. We stand with all the family in this moment of grief in saying fare thee well, Uncle Victor and trust that you will rest peacefully. You will be missed dearly.
Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. So loved, so missed, so very dear.
Our Beloved Uncle Victor
It is with deepest sorrow and sadness that we write this tribute uncle, friend and cousin. You were an uncle in a high spirit, a caring, humble, kind, loving and good hearted person!
I remember how you never failed to call and ask how everyone is doing. You were always around us, inviting us for dinner. We will miss you and your caring and friendly manner. Your sudden passing came as a shock. We did not expect it -
God in His infinite wisdom knows why.
May the good Lord comfort and sustain all the family, your wife and children now and always.
May God Almighty keep you safe in perfect peace till We Meet Again, Amen.!!!
Dimerifa du Dimerifa du Dimerifa du!
Aunty Matilda, Cynthia and Family xx.
We remember with fondness, your visits to Gyatɛ Lodge, and what special and fun occasions they were. The hospitality and warmth that you and Auntie Edzia both displayed when we visited you in Sweden, albeit separately, and not too long ago, in London, cannot be forgotten either. It was a blessing to be able to introduce our young ones to you both, but little did we know, it would be the last time seeing you dear Uncle, tasting your cooking and chatting with you.
May the good Lord grant you eternal rest Uncle Yeokwesi, until we meet again.
Uncle Victor was truly remarkable. Always caring and worrying about us and wanted the best for us. He was gifted with making you feel welcome and he was truly a wonderful host and seemed to know everyone in Sandviken when we stayed him.
Rest in perfect peace dear Uncle Victor. Until we meet again
Yokwesi loved to laugh so we always had to make sure we had untold good jokes on hand as well as the proverbial toli. I´ll never forget one visit to Sandviken, partying with the "Friends"(as his closest Swedish friends were famously known) and dancing to his extensive collection of old time and current highlife tunes.
I´ll never forget the sauna he insisted I should try...in spite of my protestations that I´d done so before and had hated it. I caved into his assurance that it was healthy and I´d feel great after it. He laughed uncontrollably when I staggered out of the sauna looking like a rag doll muttering " Yokwesi, Never again!"
Dear Coz, Amazing Husband, and Father, Rest safe in the. Arms of the Lord.
Felicia Gbesemete
Sometimes it is hard to come to terms with life and its necessary end, Death. Oh Earth, Earth has nothing fairer to show. My beloved Uncle was adorable, handsome, generous, kind and loving. Whenever I visited him and his loving wife Auntie Edzia, they welcomed me with open arms and heart. For sure they would prepare lunch and top it up with a specially made delicious cake and a specially brewed coffee as desert. Lunch was just memorable. We would talk about the family at home in Ghana and about my girls living abroad. After all is done for the day, he would walk me down to the bus station and wait for me to get on board with a big hug. He always insisted on giving me a token which he claimed was his obligation to do as an Uncle.
Oh, what an amazing Uncle I have lost to eternity.
Fare Thee well, Uncle till we meet again. You will be sorely missed
My dear big brother,
Rest in Perfect Peace. Amen.
On behalf of my sisters : Stella, Rosamond and brothers Ato and Abeku; I, Dorothy from Canada write a Tribute about our cousin Victor Randall Sackey
We were very sad to hear the news of our cousin's passing. His situation of passing was in the hands of the Almighty God. He knows best!Our cousin has been received in God's hands. Believe that the Lord's Holy Spirit will enable you Edzia and children, Anna and Peter to lift your heads up to bring glory into your lives and have strong faith to believe Him.
Victor has moved on and God has welcomed him in His face. May Victor's soul Rest Peacefully in God's Eternal life.May God's perpetual light shine upon our cousin Victor's face.Finally, May his memories be a blessing to his family and all.I who knew Victor when a young man, will always remember his fast moving attitudes, his handsome face and his contagious smiles. whenever he saw me and some family members after attending Mass at the Catholic Church at Sekondi (Anaafo); I remember he used to say mom has baked some wonderful cakes and make sure you have some before you guys leave. He was so funny kind as well
.Edzia and rest of family, May God guard and protect you all in your going out and coming in now and forever.
God Bless.
Uncle Yookwesi is gone.
Hearts are breaking and tears are being shed. I pray for peace of mind for everyone left behind, Aunty Edzia, cousins Anna and Peter and his grandchildren, his much-loved and much doted upon siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews, and all the Gyate Descendants. He´s not only left a void but an indelible mark as well. We will remember his huge heart, his gentle spirit, and his loving soul.
Father in heaven grant this precious man peaceful rest in your bosom. Remember those he´s left behind and hold us close as we mourn. Amen
Victor our dear brother, friend and best man of 44 years ago ,you made sure the wedding went ahead thank you
A man of gentle manner and very good character extremely kind . We were aware of your ill health and yet ,the news of your passing was a great shock that will live with us for a very long time . Dear Victory you left a gaping hole in our lives and especially that of your dear wife children and grand children . We will miss you dearly and never forget your many advises but the memorable one always to have a desert after main meal always . You will forever remain in our thoughts and prayers Victor may the angels carry you on their wings to paradise for Eternal Rest in Christ Jesus . Great man brother friend and best man RIP in heavenly love Ben Cecilia & family
Brother Yokwesi
May Our Lord keep you in eternal peace. Aunt Edzia, Anna and Peter do take comfort that your husband and father will always be with us because we will always remember how he made us all laugh. I remember how I used to cook breakfast for us at Dada and Maggie’s house. Seeing in London with Sonya. We miss greatly. Aunt Edzia, Anna and Peter although Brother Yokwesi is resting peacefully with God his smiling face and good memories will forever be with us. May He Rest In Eternal Peace
Uncle Victor was a fantastic man who influenced many lives. He was enthusiastic and kind to everyone he met. Everyone has kind words or stories how he made their lives better. He will be missed, I am extremely sad for our loss, but feel privileged to have met him and will savor his memory.
Uncle, Rest In Peace
Brother in-law.
What I remember about Dr. Victor Sackey is that he was interested in music. As a musician he played drums; that was his interest. He attended Fijai Secondary School. When he completed, he gained government scholarship to study medicine in Poland. After completion, he decided to specialize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. His beautiful wife was also studying medicine at the same university; that is where he met her, fell in love with her and married. Her name is Edzia as we call her. It’s my late wife, Charity Anna Sackey, who was Mrs Charity Anna Solomon gave birth to our firstborn in December 1964.
Dr. Victor Randall Sackey came down to visit us with his wife Mrs. Edzia Sackey. They presented us with two beautiful candles sticks which I am still using. On qualifying in his Obstetrics and Gynaecology course, he came to London to seek greener pastures instead of returning to Ghana. It was a difficult adventure since the doctors were many in the queue. I was his adviser so the strategy we took was that we went from hospital to hospital and by the grace of God, one hospital interview him and found him to be good and immediately employed him. The hospital administration confirming his appointment gave him a letter to the medical council. There was nothing they could do than to approve it. Some of his colleague doctors were not happy because they felt he should have been behind; the dice was cast. That was how he started working in London. He worked for some time and then left for Sweden to continue his profession. Over the years, we visited each other many times. So far, that’s what I can remember about him. He was so good, dedicated and loved his profession.
Au Revior,
May Your Rest in Perfect Peace
Brother Yokwesi
Dearest Victor, we remember your kindness and warmth so fondly. Your caring and generosity poured from you so freely and will be so missed by all of us. You taught us about fufu, which is now beloved by three generations of our family. Your care for your parents-in-law in their time of need was so appreciated and has not been forgotten all these years later. We were separated by oceans, but we cherished our time together and feel so lucky to have you as part of our family, and for the love and devotion you showed to your loved ones. With all our love, Jerry, Sophia, David, and Jonathan
Niece & Family
Kind. Compassionate. Jovial. Warm. Always ready with a listening ear. A call to check on you and to wish you happy holidays. Those are the things we will miss about our dear Uncle Victor. The times we were fortunate to spend together over the last decade will be cherished forever. Shared meals where we almost forgot the wine, discussions about your beloved club Arsenal and the nicknames you gave the guys. Those are the times and things we will miss about you. You taught us to live life to the fullest and to persevere in every situation. And you persevered to the last moment until your time here on earth was done.
We pray that you rest in perfect peace! Forever loved, forever in our hearts!
My friend Dear Victor,
Today we have to say good bye to you dear Victor. I met you and your dear wife Edwarda Summer 1977 for the first time in Lycksele in the very far north of Sweden. You just moved there and Edwarda first came to the shop I was working at and from there it went on. From day one you and Edwarda always gave unconditional love and care to me, my sister and everybody else in Lycksele. Unfortunately we lost contact during the years when I was living in Cyprus. I have been thinking about you and your family now and then. About 5 years ago I found Peter on Internet and then we started our “relation” again. These last three years we have been living close to each other and you Victor and Edwarda always cared about me. You were honest always. If you didn’t like something, you told me. That I like very much. Last year I had a difficult time and you regularly contacted me to see if I was ok. Even now in March, when you were so ill, you managed to send me some messages. You and Edwarda always talked about each other with a lot of love. It’s good to know that your children Peter and Anna with families will be there for her.
Så älskad och saknad! Vila i frid Victor! Kramar från Lena
Dear Cos
Its Yowkow, one of the Three Musketeers. Adjani and I are not looking for your replacement.
Kate, Vicky and Lisa join me in wishing you safe journey. Thanks for everything.
Rest in Peace
Uncle Vic as I affectionately called him was a perfect gentleman, very caring, neat, tidy, jovial, very respectful and very particular about his appearance. He was the live wire of his family and friends.
Uncle Victor and Aunt Edzia loved to entertain people in their home. Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Sackeys home was a delight. The table was always full of different types of foods and Uncle Victor would make sure that you tasted every food on the table. As a young boy his mother who was a baker taught him to bake cakes so his special cake called Mamas cake was never missed.
Uncle Vic, I am most grateful to you for everything you did for me during my visits to Sweden and when I stayed with you and Aunty Edzia in London. You will forever be in my heart.
From Hetty
My cousin Victor and I have had a very close relationship that developed naturally on similar interests, worldly outlook as well as blood relation. As first cousins and children of two sisters who were the first and the last of ten siblings of our grandmother, we were also close in age, separated by a little over a year only. We also grew up in the same town, Sekondi, until we took off from home in the early 1960’s to Europe to pursue our separate professional training which would mould our lives. We found ourselves thereafter when I paid him a visit in the Summer of 1976 in Hull, England where he was working in the hospital as a resident doctor, when I met his family for the first time. I was then working in Reading as part of my residency training in the Oxford Eye Hospital. We found ourselves again when he visited us in Geneva with his dear wife, Edzia from Sweden in 1993, following which the relationship had grown stronger and stronger with regular mutual visits. Gina and I have thus paid several visits to Victor and Edzia in Avesta and then in Sandviken. Those were lovely memories and also the opportunity to meet Victor’s Friends, an amiable group of friends who had bonded together in very close friendship. They have been known to be partying together, celebrating important occasions in addition to visiting each other particularly in summer in their summer houses. So was my cousin Victor, a very amiable personality, full of warmth and charm with extraordinary ability to strike friendship easily with his warmth. He was thus at home anywhere he found himself or chose to be, as he, as much as he was pleasant, could also easily adapt to the prevailing culture wherever he found himself. He could, thus be easily described as a person or a citizen of the world because of his ability to settle anywhere and not only that, but also be accepted in a unique way. Thus, Victor has made life-long friends, some originating from his medical school era in Poland, some of whom I have had the occasion to meet. He clearly carried on this attribute to Sweden where he finally settled and where the testimony is in Victor’s Friends, who are known as far away as in his country of origin, Ghana where he proudly toured with them. Victor with his dear wife Edzia were also very generous and their house in London was open to their friends and relations as they cherished the company of friends and relations. Thus was the special relationship which existed between Victor and Edzia on one side and my wife Gina and me on the other. And so, we cherished the exchange of visits, though theirs to us was less than sparse and he would in his charming manner always dismiss any protest against that observation, finding excuses we all agreed did not quite hold. Victor’s love for music and interest in musical instruments was extraordinary and expressed itself in his collection of Bang & Olofsen gadgets. He thus produced very pleasant and unique sounds in his house that tempted one to dance even when one was determined not to dance. This is clearly linked to his fame in the medical school days when he was famous for playing drums in a student band he had formed. A person will be remembered by fond memories, legacy and impact; and Victor’s life has not been less impactful. We will never forget the cherished moments with Victor and Edzia, on the occasion of their visit to Ghana with Victor’s Friends, our visits with Victor, Edzia and Victor’s Friends to one of the Friends’ estate in Sjösjö, to mention but a few. We have shared many unforgettable moments and occasions together. There is no doubt that Victor has left an impressive legacy besides living an exemplary and fulfilling life. Victor has been an indelible part of my life. He is a great loss to his family, to his friends and many others. We will always remember Victor with affection.
Victor, we miss you dearly! Victor, Rest in Perfect Peace until we meet again!
Yankum Dadzie Accra, 16.04.2021
May the Almighty grant you peace in his bosom until we meet again.
My dearest uncle Victor, you radiated unconditional love in our everyday lives and we were privileged to bask in its warmth, not only daily, but in all our pivotal moments. May our good Lord God, bring you at your last awakening, to enter into that gate of heaven and dwell in His house, where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light; no noise nor silence but one equal music; no fears nor hopes but one equal possession; no ends nor beginnings but one equal eternity; in the habitations of His Majesty and His Glory. In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, world without end.
While the home calling of our favourite Brother, Cousin and Uncle is very painful, we take comfort in knowing that he is safely in the arms of the Almighty. Our dear Cousin was very caring, full of life, love and generous at heart, and that generosity was displayed every time he interacted with family members. We are going to miss his welcoming voice, his great sense of humour, his Hi-Life steps and all his many endearing qualities. The many happy times we spent with him on vacation are very memorable and will forever be engraved in our hearts. He was a symbol of family unity and consequently he went to great lengths to bring together as many family members as possible, for a reunion, whether they were near or far; and for that we say “thank you”. We are grateful to his loving wife Edzia (affectionally called Cousin) for her loving care and devotion for over 50 years. We are equally grateful to Anna, Peter and their families for their unyielding support. We will certainly have our quiet moments and memories and they will surely be joyful. Coz, rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord. You will forever be in our hearts and will be greatly missed.
Dear Uncle Victor,
This photo reminds me of a few things:
Firstly, your passion for football - I will never forget magical Sandviken evenings watching champions league nights at Anfield, and you rooting for Sami Hyppia and John Arne Riise as the resident Scandinavian. If I recall correctly, Freddie Ljungberg was the first name I got on the back of my Arsenal shirt, and that was in no small part because of the respect I had for Swedes. I remember once you showed me a picture of yourself and Arsene Wenger and I thought to myself “Wow. Two stalwart gentlemen of a generation, side by side.” Spending time watching the game with you was always a treat and I’m glad we were able to share that love together.
Another thing that comes to mind is your fashion sense and appreciation of style - I was always fond of your hat collection and whether formally or informally dressed, you always looked the part. At any family function or gathering, it was a foregone conclusion that you would have cufflinks, bracelets and handkerchiefs to match, often laying claim to being the best-dressed as well as the life of the party. Speaking of parties, it would be remiss of me to leave out your love of music; your impeccable taste permeated all aspects of culture and transcended all forms.
I also think it’s great that you always represented Ghana to the fullest, whether it be through the meals you prepared, your hospitality or in this case, the clothes you wore. I would always feel welcome in your place because it was decorated with ornaments and furniture to remind me that I was amongst my ancestral home.
You showed me my first magic trick, were the first person to put on a Santa suit bearing gifts, and the first person to capture my imagination through film when you arranged a home cinema viewing of Star Wars (and I mean the original version for all you millennials and new-timers). There were a lot of ‘first’ moments that I shared with you and being in your presence was a special privilege. A man of many talents, I would like to thank you for always being an important pillar and cornerstone in my life.
It is said, ;He who Lived Well, Laughed often and Loved Much is a Success. That was you Uncle Victor - You gave us so much to remember. Your good cheer and warmth were so infectious, despite the sour thought that you were in the departure lounge (as you called it). You never succumbed to ageing.. but alas... When my parents passed on, I gladly found a new mum and dad wrapped in you...but now that chain is broken. Whom will I call when I need to hear that guiding voice? Forever you shall remain my inspiration
Rest well Alex
Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you’ John 16:22 “
Victor we knew you were gradually recovering so this death has taken us completely by surprise. Hearts are breaking and tears are being shed for your loss.
Oh Victor, we are so sorry you have gone We will remember your great heart, your loving kindness and the care you showed for us always. Whenever you were in London and the opportunity arose, you invited the family to visit, entertaining us and making sure we had fun. We thank God for blessing you with a kind hearted loving wife who was always available to support you in making all these occasions great, like you she is a generous host. Edzia we thank you for your wonderful love, may God bless you richly and answer all your hearts desires. Victor´s caring and dedication to his work was unimaginable, we thank God for calling him to the medical profession.
Uncle Victor the family are very proud of you. Edzia, Peter, Anna, grandchildren and Gyate descendants please accept my deepest condolences.
Our father in heaven do please grant your child a peaceful rest in your bosom. Remember those he has left behind and hold us close and bless us with love and wisdom as we mourn, Amen
It is with heavy hearts We pen this eulogy of our beloved brother, Victor, popularly known at home as Yokwesi. Several days prior to his passing he FaceTimed us to let us know he had been hospitalized for a few days and he was going to be discharged the next day. We extended our best wishes and speedy recovery to him .It therefore came to us as a big shock to hear he had passed on to our Maker shortly thereafter! We became filled immediately with a lot of sadness a feeling that is still ongoing .We realize we have no choice but to accept the reality reluctantly. Our elders have always reminded us that life is the beginning of death and it is an outfit that we will all have to wear one day. Victor always said we are all seated at the airport terminal and when our plane lands we will be called to board it and be flown to the realm of eternity. Victor and Edzia were a special couple. God ordained for them to be together because when you are with them they really make you feel at home . They enjoyed life and tried always to make the most of the moment. We experienced that when we visited them in London and Sweden as well as their reciprocal visit with us in New Jersey. Victor was a kind, dedicated, serviceable brother with a fantastic sense of humor. His sense of determination was quite impressive ! To leave the shores of Ghana for Poland to learn a difficult language and use it to study the difficult subject of medicine and not stop there but to go on and learn another difficult Swedish language and use it to specialize in another difficult subject of Obstetrics and Gynecology is not a small feat ! It takes a well disciplined, dedicated and intelligent person to do that. That’s why we say Edzia and Victor were made for each other. We find Edzia to be equally dedicated, determined, intelligent, and ladylike with tremendous sense of humor! Their love for each other was exemplary ! Those of us who have seen Victor cook in the kitchen will never forget his impressive culinary skills especially his salmon / Tinapa stew which was truly finger licking good We thank our Great Creator for loaning Yokwesi to us to enjoy him in this realm. He fought a good fight. He finished the race and kept the faith. We will forever love him and his memory will always be a blessing May he rest in eternal peace! Yɛ ma wo damirifa due! Damirifa due!.
Yookwesi was content with his life and always looked happy. He was kind, thoughtful and very lively. It is very sad that Yookwesi should pass away at the very time he should be living a peaceful and happy life after retirement. I pray his Soul rests peacefully in the arms of The Lord
My beloved brother, this is unreal and difficult to understand. We thank God for your life. God knows best. I miss you so much. I miss our conversations, our visit to your home in London, the special meals and your delicious banana cake. Thank you so much for your love kindness, your good advice, guidance, generosity and support. I miss you so much! You gave so much to the world. Thank you for living such a bright light behind. You were a loving brother, an amazing husband, father and grandfather. May God keep you safe till we meet again. You will forever remain in our hearts.
Beloved brother, rest in perfect peace.
To the most wonderful of Uncles one could wish for. We can say with so much pride that you were a caring brother to my Mom, truly devoted to your family, the world’s best father to my cousins and one of the most endearing, gentle and energetic visionaries we knew. You lived life to the fullest and left a beautiful legacy of true family values, career success and will power. We are all blessed and privileged to have known you. We hold dear these beautiful memories of having you in our lives and being shown your kindness and love. We remember your courage, strength, and your outstretched hands to offer help and advice. This has indeed left an indelible mark of gratitude in our hearts. Many of your acts of compassion, concern and love exemplified to us the miracle of love. We have always felt a deep sense of appreciation and at this time feel a deep sense of loss. We stand with all the family in this moment of grief in saying fare thee well, Uncle Victor and trust that you will rest peacefully. You will be missed dearly.
Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. So loved, so missed, so very dear.
Our Beloved Uncle Victor
It is with deepest sorrow and sadness that we write this tribute uncle, friend and cousin. You were an uncle in a high spirit, a caring, humble, kind, loving and good hearted person!
I remember how you never failed to call and ask how everyone is doing. You were always around us, inviting us for dinner. We will miss you and your caring and friendly manner. Your sudden passing came as a shock. We did not expect it -
God in His infinite wisdom knows why.
May the good Lord comfort and sustain all the family, your wife and children now and always.
May God Almighty keep you safe in perfect peace till We Meet Again, Amen.!!!
Dimerifa du Dimerifa du Dimerifa du!
Aunty Matilda, Cynthia and Family xx.
We remember with fondness, your visits to Gyatɛ Lodge, and what special and fun occasions they were. The hospitality and warmth that you and Auntie Edzia both displayed when we visited you in Sweden, albeit separately, and not too long ago, in London, cannot be forgotten either. It was a blessing to be able to introduce our young ones to you both, but little did we know, it would be the last time seeing you dear Uncle, tasting your cooking and chatting with you.
May the good Lord grant you eternal rest Uncle Yeokwesi, until we meet again.
Uncle Victor was truly remarkable. Always caring and worrying about us and wanted the best for us. He was gifted with making you feel welcome and he was truly a wonderful host and seemed to know everyone in Sandviken when we stayed him.
Rest in perfect peace dear Uncle Victor. Until we meet again
Yokwesi loved to laugh so we always had to make sure we had untold good jokes on hand as well as the proverbial toli. I´ll never forget one visit to Sandviken, partying with the "Friends"(as his closest Swedish friends were famously known) and dancing to his extensive collection of old time and current highlife tunes.
I´ll never forget the sauna he insisted I should try...in spite of my protestations that I´d done so before and had hated it. I caved into his assurance that it was healthy and I´d feel great after it. He laughed uncontrollably when I staggered out of the sauna looking like a rag doll muttering " Yokwesi, Never again!"
Dear Coz, Amazing Husband, and Father, Rest safe in the. Arms of the Lord.
Felicia Gbesemete
Sometimes it is hard to come to terms with life and its necessary end, Death. Oh Earth, Earth has nothing fairer to show. My beloved Uncle was adorable, handsome, generous, kind and loving. Whenever I visited him and his loving wife Auntie Edzia, they welcomed me with open arms and heart. For sure they would prepare lunch and top it up with a specially made delicious cake and a specially brewed coffee as desert. Lunch was just memorable. We would talk about the family at home in Ghana and about my girls living abroad. After all is done for the day, he would walk me down to the bus station and wait for me to get on board with a big hug. He always insisted on giving me a token which he claimed was his obligation to do as an Uncle.
Oh, what an amazing Uncle I have lost to eternity.
Fare Thee well, Uncle till we meet again. You will be sorely missed
My dear big brother,
Rest in Perfect Peace. Amen.
On behalf of my sisters : Stella, Rosamond and brothers Ato and Abeku; I, Dorothy from Canada write a Tribute about our cousin Victor Randall Sackey
We were very sad to hear the news of our cousin's passing. His situation of passing was in the hands of the Almighty God. He knows best!Our cousin has been received in God's hands. Believe that the Lord's Holy Spirit will enable you Edzia and children, Anna and Peter to lift your heads up to bring glory into your lives and have strong faith to believe Him.
Victor has moved on and God has welcomed him in His face. May Victor's soul Rest Peacefully in God's Eternal life.May God's perpetual light shine upon our cousin Victor's face.Finally, May his memories be a blessing to his family and all.I who knew Victor when a young man, will always remember his fast moving attitudes, his handsome face and his contagious smiles. whenever he saw me and some family members after attending Mass at the Catholic Church at Sekondi (Anaafo); I remember he used to say mom has baked some wonderful cakes and make sure you have some before you guys leave. He was so funny kind as well
.Edzia and rest of family, May God guard and protect you all in your going out and coming in now and forever.
God Bless.
Uncle Yookwesi is gone.
Hearts are breaking and tears are being shed. I pray for peace of mind for everyone left behind, Aunty Edzia, cousins Anna and Peter and his grandchildren, his much-loved and much doted upon siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews, and all the Gyate Descendants. He´s not only left a void but an indelible mark as well. We will remember his huge heart, his gentle spirit, and his loving soul.
Father in heaven grant this precious man peaceful rest in your bosom. Remember those he´s left behind and hold us close as we mourn. Amen
Victor our dear brother, friend and best man of 44 years ago ,you made sure the wedding went ahead thank you
A man of gentle manner and very good character extremely kind . We were aware of your ill health and yet ,the news of your passing was a great shock that will live with us for a very long time . Dear Victory you left a gaping hole in our lives and especially that of your dear wife children and grand children . We will miss you dearly and never forget your many advises but the memorable one always to have a desert after main meal always . You will forever remain in our thoughts and prayers Victor may the angels carry you on their wings to paradise for Eternal Rest in Christ Jesus . Great man brother friend and best man RIP in heavenly love Ben Cecilia & family
Brother Yokwesi
May Our Lord keep you in eternal peace. Aunt Edzia, Anna and Peter do take comfort that your husband and father will always be with us because we will always remember how he made us all laugh. I remember how I used to cook breakfast for us at Dada and Maggie’s house. Seeing in London with Sonya. We miss greatly. Aunt Edzia, Anna and Peter although Brother Yokwesi is resting peacefully with God his smiling face and good memories will forever be with us. May He Rest In Eternal Peace
Uncle Victor was a fantastic man who influenced many lives. He was enthusiastic and kind to everyone he met. Everyone has kind words or stories how he made their lives better. He will be missed, I am extremely sad for our loss, but feel privileged to have met him and will savor his memory.
Uncle, Rest In Peace
Brother in-law.
What I remember about Dr. Victor Sackey is that he was interested in music. As a musician he played drums; that was his interest. He attended Fijai Secondary School. When he completed, he gained government scholarship to study medicine in Poland. After completion, he decided to specialize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. His beautiful wife was also studying medicine at the same university; that is where he met her, fell in love with her and married. Her name is Edzia as we call her. It’s my late wife, Charity Anna Sackey, who was Mrs Charity Anna Solomon gave birth to our firstborn in December 1964.
Dr. Victor Randall Sackey came down to visit us with his wife Mrs. Edzia Sackey. They presented us with two beautiful candles sticks which I am still using. On qualifying in his Obstetrics and Gynaecology course, he came to London to seek greener pastures instead of returning to Ghana. It was a difficult adventure since the doctors were many in the queue. I was his adviser so the strategy we took was that we went from hospital to hospital and by the grace of God, one hospital interview him and found him to be good and immediately employed him. The hospital administration confirming his appointment gave him a letter to the medical council. There was nothing they could do than to approve it. Some of his colleague doctors were not happy because they felt he should have been behind; the dice was cast. That was how he started working in London. He worked for some time and then left for Sweden to continue his profession. Over the years, we visited each other many times. So far, that’s what I can remember about him. He was so good, dedicated and loved his profession.
Au Revior,
May Your Rest in Perfect Peace
Brother in-law and family
Dearest Victor, we remember your kindness and warmth so fondly. Your caring and generosity poured from you so freely and will be so missed by all of us. You taught us about fufu, which is now beloved by three generations of our family. Your care for your parents-in-law in their time of need was so appreciated and has not been forgotten all these years later. We were separated by oceans, but we cherished our time together and feel so lucky to have you as part of our family, and for the love and devotion you showed to your loved ones.
With all our love, Jerry, Sophia, David, and Jonathan
Niece & Family
Kind. Compassionate. Jovial. Warm. Always ready with a listening ear. A call to check on you and to wish you happy holidays. Those are the things we will miss about our dear Uncle Victor. The times we were fortunate to spend together over the last decade will be cherished forever. Shared meals where we almost forgot the wine, discussions about your beloved club Arsenal and the nicknames you gave the guys. Those are the times and things we will miss about you. You taught us to live life to the fullest and to persevere in every situation. And you persevered to the last moment until your time here on earth was done.
We pray that you rest in perfect peace! Forever loved, forever in our hearts!
My friend Dear Victor,
Today we have to say good bye to you dear Victor. I met you and your dear wife Edwarda Summer 1977 for the first time in Lycksele in the very far north of Sweden. You just moved there and Edwarda first came to the shop I was working at and from there it went on. From day one you and Edwarda always gave unconditional love and care to me, my sister and everybody else in Lycksele. Unfortunately we lost contact during the years when I was living in Cyprus. I have been thinking about you and your family now and then. About 5 years ago I found Peter on Internet and then we started our “relation” again. These last three years we have been living close to each other and you Victor and Edwarda always cared about me. You were honest always. If you didn’t like something, you told me. That I like very much. Last year I had a difficult time and you regularly contacted me to see if I was ok. Even now in March, when you were so ill, you managed to send me some messages. You and Edwarda always talked about each other with a lot of love. It’s good to know that your children Peter and Anna with families will be there for her.
Så älskad och saknad! Vila i frid Victor! Kramar från Lena
Dear Cos
Its Yowkow, one of the Three Musketeers. Adjani and I are not looking for your replacement.
Kate, Vicky and Lisa join me in wishing you safe journey. Thanks for everything.
Rest in Peace
There are no words that can express our deep sorrow at Victor´s death. Victor is in our Thoughts for ever. Please accept our deepest sympathy.
Wiesia i Andrzej
Kochana Edziu, pozno dowiedzielismy sie, ze Twoj Viktor odszedl. Myslimy o naszych spotkaniach i urlopach z Wami, zawsze z milym i usmiechnietym Victorem. Jest nam bardzo smutno.
Sciskamy Cie mocno. Katia i Bronek
2 Timothy 4:7-8 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that Day......”
Uncle Yokwesi, you were a righteous man who did good to all who came into contact with you. I was looking forward to our meeting in London when it would be safe to travel to celebrate Christmas together. Man proposes, God disposes. With a heavy heart full of grief I say
Uncle Yokwesi, may the good Lord grant you a peaceful and eternal rest.
Even though life is but a stage and we all will come play our part, and exit, the passing of my dear Uncle Victor was very difficult to accept. More so because he visited us in Ghana not too long before the COVID-19 and was planning how we could see more of him. My Uncle Victor, my mother’s only brother will be greatly missed for all his kindness, devotion to family, and the ability to make everyone around him happy and proud to be related to him. It was always a real joy talking to him, and it still felt as though a part of my Mum was very close. But O, death, my last string of Mama has been cut off and the emptiness I feel is so great. Since our infancy, your bond with us nieces and nephews has been amazing and we will surely miss those times. We will forever keep you in our hearts and memories and pray that our dear Heavenly Father God will keep you safe. Till we meet again. Rest in Perfect Peace dear Uncle Victor. You will forever be missed!!!